
如何通过点击按钮/链接清除ckeditor textarea和jquery?

我试过这个: $("textarea.editor").val('');$("textarea.editor1").val(''); 当我在初始化编辑器$ckeditor->editor('editor1', $nDetails);我尝试使用最后的1 $ckeditor->editor('editor1', $nDetails); 用PHP



Details: <?php // Helper function for this sample file. function printNotFound( $ver ) { static $warned; if (!empty($warned)) return; echo '

Error: '.$ver.' not found. ' . 'This sample assumes that '.$ver.' (not included with CKFinder) is installed in ' . 'the "ckeditor" sibling folder of the CKFinder installation folder. If you have it installed in ' . 'a different place, just edit this file, changing the wrong paths in the include ' . '(line 57) and the "basePath" values (line 70).

' ; $warned = true; } include_once '../ckeditor/ckeditor.php' ; require_once '../ckfinder/ckfinder.php' ; // This is a check for the CKEditor class. If not defined, the paths in lines 57 and 70 must be checked. if (!class_exists('CKEditor')) { printNotFound('CKEditor'); } else { $initialValue = $pageContent; $ckeditor = new CKEditor( ) ; $ckeditor->basePath = '../ckeditor/' ; // Just call CKFinder::SetupCKEditor before calling editor(), replace() or replaceAll() // in CKEditor. The second parameter (optional), is the path for the // CKFinder installation (default = "/ckfinder/"). CKFinder::SetupCKEditor( $ckeditor, '/ckfinder/' ) ; $ckeditor->editor('editor1', $nDetails); } ?>



下面的代码清除了ckeditor textarea中的值。 这也将工作4.4版本。




 function CKupdate(){ for ( instance in CKEDITOR.instances ){ CKEDITOR.instances[instance].updateElement(); } CKEDITOR.instances[instance].setData(''); } $.ajax({ url: $('#CommunicationForm').attr("action"), type: $('#CommunicationForm').attr("method"), data: $('#CommunicationForm').serialize(), success: function (e) { if (e.error) { alert(e.error); } else { //Doing Clear here CKupdate(); } }, error: function (jqXHR, Status, text) { alert("error! " + text); } }); 


在我的代码中,我不得不以编程方式更改ckeditor中的文本,但直到我做了一个deferred set才能生效。 这可能会有所帮助。

 _.defer(function () { it._controls.wysiwyg.setData(bodyText); // by the direct reference //CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.setData(''); // or this way like in the example });