
特别是我想定义本地jQuery(var jQuery)在哪里


// Expose jQuery to the global object window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery; })(window); 

这是来自jQuery 1.6.4的引用

如果我包含jQuery,可能会出现与第3方js代码的某些不兼容性。 目前我正在做以下事情:

 // here some license notes about jQuery included (function() { if (typeof jQuery === "undefined") { // jQuery code as it is goes here } // my code })(); 

您可以将true传递给$ .noconflict()以使jQuery从全局范围中删除其所有变量:

 (function($) { var jQuery = $.noconflict(true); // From there on, window.jQuery and window.$ are undefined. var $ = jQuery; // Do something with the local jQuery and $... })(jQuery); 
 var jQuery, $; jQuery = $ = window.jQuery; delete window.jQuery; delete window.$; 


 var localjQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true); 


在试图找出如何通过GreaseMonkey / Tampermonkey将自定义扩展方法的完全独立的jQuery实例注入网页时,发现这篇文章,并绕过Chrome沙箱。 毋庸置疑,我需要的不仅仅是提供的,下面是我最终的结果。

下面是注入的代码体和其他一些我肯定会帮助其他人开始的方法。 我将其注入每个网页,以便我可以通过开发控制台或其他tampermonkey脚本访问此实例。 我给它别名“z”。 它懒洋洋地加载,以便它不会减慢不使用它的页面。


注意// BEGIN_INJECTION //和// END_INJECTION //标签以及条件包含标签/ …和… /。 条件包含标记内的代码将仅包含在注入页面的实际代码中。 这可以防止重复的自动执行,其中脚本在GreaseMonkey中运行一次,然后在注入后再次运行。

 (function ZInjectionContainer() { if(!document.querySelector('script[id="ZInjectionContainer"]')){ //BEGIN_INJECTION// /*... z = (function (_jQuery, _$) { ...*/ function SubstrBetween(s, start,end){ return s.substring(s.indexOf(start) + start.length, s.lastIndexOf(end));} function AppendScript(id, src, callback){ var js = document.querySelector('script[id="'+ id +'"]'); if(!js){ js = document.createElement('script'); js.id = id; js.type = 'text/javascript'; document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(js); } if(callback) js.onload = callback; if(src && String(src).endsWith('.js')) js.src = src; else if(src)js.text += "\n" + String(src); return js; } function ProcessWaitList(){ function process(){ console.log(' Processing WaitList.'); while(ZWaitList.length > 0){ ZWaitList.shift().call(); } } if(typeof ZWaitList == 'undefined') ZWaitList = []; if(Array.isArray(ZWaitList) && ZWaitList.length > 0){ if(!IsInitialized()) { console.log('ZWaitList sizeof ' + ZWaitList.length + ' detected. Auto Initializing'); ZInitialize(process); } else{ process(); } } } function ZInitialize(callback) { var _version = 'jquery-2.2.0.min'; AppendScript(_version, 'https://code.jquery.com/'+ _version +'.js',function(){ z = jQuery.noConflict(true); jQuery = _jQuery; $ = _$; z.extend(createLocalInstance()); console.log(' Loaded jQuery-' + z().jquery + ' as z. Page Version is jQuery-' + (_jQuery ? _jQuery().jquery : 'undefined')); z(document).ready(function(){ console.log(' document loaded'); if(callback) z(callback); if(callback != ProcessWaitList){ ProcessWaitList();} }); }); }; function IsInitialized(){ return (typeof z !== 'undefined' && typeof z=== 'function' && !String(z).startsWith(ZInitialize.toString())); } function createLocalInstance(){ var local = ZInitialize; local.IsInitialized = IsInitialized; local.SubstrBetween = SubstrBetween; local.AppendScript = AppendScript; local.ProcessWaitList = ProcessWaitList; return local; } /*... if(typeof z == 'undefined') {z = createLocalInstance();} else if (typeof z !== 'function' || !String(z).startsWith(ZInitialize.toString())) { console.log('Error. z is already defined as: ' + z +'\n Overwriting anyway'); z = createLocalInstance(); } ProcessWaitList(); return z; })(typeof jQuery !== 'undefined' ? jQuery : null, typeof $ !== 'undefined' ? $ : null); ...*/ //END_INJECTION// var inject = SubstrBetween(ZInjectionContainer.toString(),"//BEGIN_INJECTION//", "/"+"/END_INJECTION//"); inject = inject.split('/*...').join('').split('...*/').join(''); AppendScript("ZInjectionContainer", inject); } })(); 


 function RemoveStupidStuff(){ //Example code z('td.logo1').parents('table').remove(); z('#bodyarea').prev().remove(); z('#bodyarea').css('padding','0') z('#bodyarea #mcol').prev().remove(); } function FixIndexPage(){ //Example code - Remove show image on hover and instead just make it the thumbnail console.log('making the index page less crappy'); z('#bodyarea #mcol table[width="75%"] tr td table.lista').attr('id','thegoods').css('width','100%');; z('#thegoods tr:not(:first-child)').addClass('listing'); var listings = z('.listing') for(var i=0; i < listings.length; i++){ var row = listings[i]; var thumb = z(row.children[0]).find('a')[0]; var hoverimg = z(row.children[1]).find('a')[0]; var link = z.SubstrBetween(hoverimg.onmouseover.toString(), "