


我怎样才能做到这一点? 我知道我要等待回电。


for(var x in array){ alert(x); console.log(x); } 

它完全符合我的要求。 但我想要三个按钮。 但警报不是javascript的一部分(?它在浏览器中。)



 var run = true; function foo(){ if (run){ setTimeout(foo, 500); } } function stop(){ run = false; } foo(); 

然后等待停止,在继续之前调用按钮单击。 但这是非常好的做法吗?

或者使用lambda函数作为customAlert的参数和一个“全局”变量,该变量保存我正在经历的数组的当前位置并使用函数执行此操作。 像:检查数组是否仍然保持大于X的键。然后再次执行该function,每次增加全局X.

谢谢你输错代码:哦,我有个主意; 我只是在匿名函数中使用lostsource的解决方案,所以我不会得到全局变量。 优秀。

 (function(){ })(); 


 var list = ['one','two','three']; 


 var x = 0; var loopArray = function(arr) { customAlert(arr[x],function(){ // set x to next item x++; // any more items in array? continue loop if(x < arr.length) { loopArray(arr); } }); } function customAlert(msg,callback) { // code to show your custom alert // in this case its just a console log console.log(msg); // do callback when ready callback(); } 


 // start 'loop' loopArray(list); 

JSFiddle: http : //jsfiddle.net/D9AXp/


该解决方案依赖于jQuery(1.7+)和jQuery UI的dialog ,但是作为Array原型的自定义方法实现,而不是作为jQuery插件。


 Array.prototype.runDialogSequence = function(dialogCallback, startIndex, endIndex){ startIndex = Math.max(0, startIndex || 0); endIndex = Math.min(this.length - 1, endIndex || this.length - 1); var sequenceIndex = 0, arr = this, dfrd = $.Deferred().resolve(startIndex); function makeCloseFn(seqData){ return function(event, ui){ if(seqData.continue_) { seqData.dfrd.resolve(seqData.arrayIndex+1, seqData); } //continue dialog sequence else { seqData.dfrd.reject(seqData.arrayIndex, seqData); } //break dialog sequence } } $.each(this, function(i){ if(i < startIndex || i > endIndex) { return true; }//continue dfrd = dfrd.then(function(arrayIndex){ var seqData = { dfrd: $.Deferred(), arrayIndex: arrayIndex, sequenceIndex: ++sequenceIndex, length: 1 + endIndex - startIndex, item: arr[arrayIndex], continue_: false }; dialogCallback(seqData).on("dialogclose", makeCloseFn(seqData)); return seqData.dfrd.promise(); }); }); return dfrd.promise(); } 


  • 文档正文中的对话框模板,适合填充文本/值。
  • 包含按顺序填充对话框所需数据的类似项(通常是javascript对象)的数组。
  • 作为第一个参数传递一个正确构造的“openDialog”函数。


 function openDialog(seqData){ /* seqData is an object with the following properties: dfrd: A Deferred object associated with the current dialog. Normally resolved by Array.runDialogSequence() to run through the sequence or rejected to break it, but can be resolved/rejected here to force the dialog sequence to continue/break. If resolved, then pass (seqData.arrayIndex+1, seqData), or custom values. If rejected, typically pass (seqData.arrayIndex, seqData). arrayIndex: The current array index. sequenceIndex: The current index within the sequence. Normally the same as arrayIndex but Differs when a non-zero startIndex is specified. length: The full length of the dialog sequence. item: The current item from the array. continue_: (false) Set to true to allow the sequence to continue. */ var item = seqData.item; var $d = $("#d"); $d.dialog({ title: 'Dialog (' + seqData.sequenceIndex + ' of ' + seqData.length + ')', modal: true, buttons: { "Continue": function(){ seqData.continue_ = true;//set to true before closing to go to next dialog. $(this).dialog("close"); }, "Cancel": function(){ $(this).dialog('close');//closing with seqData.continue_ set to its default value false will break the dialog sequence. } } }).find("#message").text(item);//Typically you will do a lot more here to populate the dialog with item data. return $d;//openDialog() must return a dialog container, jQuery-wrapped. } 

Array.runDialogSequence()返回一个jQuery promise ,允许在对话框序列完成(完成函数)时执行自定义操作,或者在中间序列(失败函数)中中断。


 //Simplest possible $("#myButton1").click(function(){ myArray.runDialogSequence(openDialog); }); //Call with custom startIndex and endIndex, and chanined `.then()` to provide custom actions on break/completion. $("#myButton2").click(function(){ myArray.runDialogSequence(openDialog, 1, 3).then(function(i, seqData){ alert('All dialogs complete - last item = "' + seqData.item + '"'); }, function(i, seqData){ alert('Dialog sequence was broken at item ' + i + ' "' + seqData.item + '"'); }); }); 

