使用JavaScript将多个DateTime Duration字符串一起添加以获得总持续时间

我有一个用于生成日历的HTML表,它显示了用户工作和进出系统的每一天的TimeClock条目。 每天还显示每个时钟进/出条目的总持续时间。 (多个“考勤卡拳”可以在同一天内)




 03:31:23 04:21:56 04:08:42 03:31:17 04:10:59 02:48:21 04:26:11 00:00:39 03:41:37 

使用JavaScript和jQuery我在下面有这个代码,它将DateTime Duration值作为字符串,格式为04:21:19,用于每个时钟条目。

到目前为止我的JavaScript / jQuery ……
在这里工作的演示: http : //codepen.io/jasondavis/pen/GpPPPR?编辑= 101

 var totalTimeValue = 0; var totalWeekTimeValue = 0; // itterate each week which is table row  $('#timeclock-cal > tbody > tr').each(function() { console.log('=== New Week ==='); totalWeekTimeValue = 0; // get each day which is a table cell  $(this).find('td').each(function() { console.log('== New Day =='); // get total time val for each clock in/out on each day which is inside // button with CSS class .cal-punch-total-time $(this).find('.cal-punch-total-time').each(function() { totalTimeValue = $(this).text(); console.log(totalTimeValue); // THIS PART NEEDS YOUR HELP! // NEED TO ADD EACH DATETIME STRING TOGETHER FOR TOTAL DURATION VALUES totalWeekTimeValue = totalTimeValue+totalWeekTimeValue; }); }); console.log('= total week time === '+totalWeekTimeValue); }); 

全尺寸图片 在此处输入图像描述



我确实找到了这个MomentJS插件MomentJS持续时间 – https://github.com/jsmreese/moment-duration-format

使用JQuery和Javascript很容易实现。 请看下面的代码。

 $(document).ready(function(){ var pad = function(num) { return ("0"+num).slice(-2); } var totalSeconds = 0; $("li").each(function(){ var currentDuration = $(this).text(); currentDuration = currentDuration.split(":"); var hrs = parseInt(currentDuration[0],10); var min = parseInt(currentDuration[1],10); var sec = parseInt(currentDuration[2],10); var currDurationSec = sec + (60*min) + (60*60*hrs); totalSeconds +=currDurationSec; }); var hours = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 3600); totalSeconds %= 3600; var minutes = Math.floor(totalSeconds / 60); var seconds = totalSeconds % 60; $(".totalVal").text(pad(hours)+":"+pad(minutes)+":"+pad(seconds)); }); 
  • 03:31:23
  • 04:21:56
  • 04:08:42
  • 03:31:17
  • 04:10:59
  • 02:48:21
  • 04:26:11
  • 00:00:39
  • 03:41:37
Total Time:


 /** Calculate the number of seconds from HH:MM:SS **/ function getSeconds(time) { var parts = time.split(":"); return parseInt(parts[0], 10) * 3600 + parseInt(parts[1], 10) * 60 + parseInt(parts[2], 10); } //select all the elements var totalSeconds = $("a.cal-punch-total-time") .map( function(ind, elem) { //convert the jQuery object into the array var text = $(elem).text(); //get the text from the anchor return getSeconds(text); //set the index to the total seconds }) .get() //gets the array out of the jQuery object .reduce( function(runningTotal, currentValue){ //Now to combine all the values into one return runningTotal + currentValue; //sum up the values },0); //The initial starting vaule //Now get the hour, minutes, and seconds from the total seconds var hours = parseInt( totalSeconds / 3600 ); var minutes = parseInt( totalSeconds / 60 ) % 60; var seconds = totalSeconds % 60; //left pad numbers less than ten if(hours<10) hours = "0" + hours; if(minutes<10) minutes = "0" + minutes; if(seconds<10) seconds = "0" + seconds; $("#out").html("Total Time: " + (hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds)); 
  03:31:23 04:21:56 04:08:42 03:31:17 04:10:59 02:48:21 04:26:11 00:00:39 03:41:37 


 totalTimeValue = $(this).text().split(':'); //from '03:10:30' to ['03','10','30'] 


 totalTimeValue.forEach(function(val,idx){ totalWeekTimeValue[idx] += Number(val); }); 


 totalWeekTimeValue.join(':'); //[3:10:30] 



 function hhmmssToSeconds(str) { var arr = str.split(':').map(Number); return (arr[0] * 3600) + (arr[1] * 60) + arr[2]; }; function secondsToHHMMSS(seconds) { var hours = parseInt(seconds / 3600, 10), minutes = parseInt((seconds / 60) % 60, 10), seconds = parseInt(seconds % 3600 % 60, 10); return [hours, minutes, seconds].map(function (i) { return i.toString().length === 2 ? i : '0' + i; }).join(':'); } 


 var t1 = hhmmssToSeconds('40:50:40'), t2 = hhmmssToSeconds('04:12:30'); var result = secondsToHHMMSS(t1 + t2); // '45:03:10'