jQuery AJAX自定义函数和自定义回调?



 $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "whatever.php", data: { theData: "moo moo" }, success: function(data) { console.log(data); } }); 


 function customAjax(u, d, theCallbackStuff) { $.ajax({ type: "post", url: u, data: d, success: function(data) { //RUN theCallbackStuff } }); } 


 var m = 1; var n = 2; alert(m + n + data); 


最近得到了一个upvote,我觉得有必要声明我不再这样做了。 $.ajax返回一个promise所以你可以直接使用promise,以更加一致和健壮的方式完成我刚才所做的事情。

 function customRequest(u,d) { var promise = $.ajax({ type: 'post', data: d, url: u }) .done(function (responseData, status, xhr) { // preconfigured logic for success }) .fail(function (xhr, status, err) { //predetermined logic for unsuccessful request }); return promise; } 


 // using `done` which will add the callback to the stack // to be run when the promise is resolved customRequest('whatever.php', {'somekey': 'somevalue'}).done(function (data) { var n = 1, m = 2; alert(m + n + data); }); // using fail which will add the callback to the stack // to be run when the promise is rejected customRequest('whatever.php', {'somekey': 'somevalue'}).fail(function (xhr, status, err) { console.log(status, err); }); // using then which will add callabcks to the // success AND failure stacks respectively when // the request is resolved/rejected customRequest('whatever.php', {'somekey': 'somevalue'}).then( function (data) { var n = 1, m = 2; alert(m + n + data); }, function (xhr, status, err) { console.log(status, err); }); 

当然,我一直这样做。 您可以在实际成功的callack中执行回调,也可以将回调分配为成功回调:

 function customRequest(u,d,callback) { $.ajax({ type: "post", url: u, data:d, success: function(data) { console.log(data); // predefined logic if any if(typeof callback == 'function') { callback(data); } } }); } 


 customRequest('whatever.php', {'somekey': 'somevalue'}, function (data) { var n = 1, m = 2; alert(m + n + data); }); 
  function customAjax(u, d, theCallbackStuff) { $.ajax({ type: "post", url: u, data: d, success: theCallbackStuff }); } customAjax(url, data, function(data){ //do something }); 


 function customRequest(u,d,callback) { $.ajax({ type: "post", url: u, data:d, success: function(data) { console.log(data); // predefined logic if any if(typeof callback == 'function') { callback(data); } } }); } // Then call it as follows: function initiator() { customRequest( '/url/to/post', 'param1=val', function() { alert( 'complete' ); }) } 
