$(".designer-element").each(function () { var $this = $(this), var moot = $this.css(["color", "border-color", "background-color"]); } );
用于获取元素颜色。 这会将颜色返回为字符串
"background-color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)" "border-color": "rgb(211, 211, 211)" "color": "rgb(51, 51, 51)"
如何从这些字符串中提取单个r,g和b值。 不需要值。 或者是否有一些更好的方法直接返回这些颜色值?
function getRGB(str){ var match = str.match(/rgba?\((\d{1,3}), ?(\d{1,3}), ?(\d{1,3})\)?(?:, ?(\d(?:\.\d?))\))?/); return match ? { red: match[1], green: match[2], blue: match[3] } : {}; } console.log(getRGB("rgb(211, 211, 211)")); console.log(getRGB("rgba(211, 0, 211, 0.5)"));
function getRGBValues(str) { var vals = str.substring(str.indexOf('(') +1, a.length -1).split(', '); return { 'r': vals[0], 'g': vals[1], 'b': vals[2] }; }
// return array of [r,g,b,a] from any valid color. if failed returns undefined function colorValues(color) { if (color === '') return; if (color.toLowerCase() === 'transparent') return [0, 0, 0, 0]; if (color[0] === '#') { if (color.length < 7) { // convert #RGB and #RGBA to #RRGGBB and #RRGGBBAA color = '#' + color[1] + color[1] + color[2] + color[2] + color[3] + color[3] + (color.length > 4 ? color[4] + color[4] : ''); } return [parseInt(color.substr(1, 2), 16), parseInt(color.substr(3, 2), 16), parseInt(color.substr(5, 2), 16), color.length > 7 ? parseInt(color.substr(7, 2), 16)/255 : 1]; } if (color.indexOf('rgb') === -1) { // convert named colors var temp_elem = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('fictum')); // intentionally use unknown tag to lower chances of css rule override with !important var flag = 'rgb(1, 2, 3)'; // this flag tested on chrome 59, ff 53, ie9, ie10, ie11, edge 14 temp_elem.style.color = flag; if (temp_elem.style.color !== flag) return; // color set failed - some monstrous css rule is probably taking over the color of our object temp_elem.style.color = color; if (temp_elem.style.color === flag || temp_elem.style.color === '') return; // color parse failed color = getComputedStyle(temp_elem).color; document.body.removeChild(temp_elem); } if (color.indexOf('rgb') === 0) { if (color.indexOf('rgba') === -1) color += ',1'; // convert 'rgb(R,G,B)' to 'rgb(R,G,B)A' which looks awful but will pass the regxep below return color.match(/[\.\d]+/g).map(function (a) { return +a }); } }
colorValues('transparent'); // [0,0,0,0] colorValues('white'); // [255, 255, 255, 1] colorValues('teal'); // [0, 128, 128, 1] colorValues('rgba(11,22,33,.44)'); // [11, 22, 33, 0.44] colorValues('rgb(11,22,33)'); // [11, 22, 33, 1] colorValues('#abc'); // [170, 187, 204, 1] colorValues('#abc6'); // [170, 187, 204, 0.4] colorValues('#aabbcc'); // [170, 187, 204, 1] colorValues('#aabbcc66'); // [170, 187, 204, 0.4] colorValues('asdf'); // undefined colorValues(''); // undefined colorValues(NaN); // Script Error colorValues(123); // Script Error