限制jQuery-ui Draggable仅在给定区域内向上拖动

我有一个固定位置的图像,我用CSS制作动画,当用户滚动时向下移动屏幕边缘。 – 效果很好。

当图像到达屏幕底部时,用户可以点击它并将其动画回到顶部。 – 也运作良好。

我也试图让用户使用jQuery-ui Draggable将其拖动到顶部。 – 这里出现了并发症。

我需要将图像向上拖动,从不向下,所以我通过移动带有可拖动图像的包含包装来限制我的可拖动元素仅向上拖动。 我还在页面顶部完全限制拖动,以防止图像被拖到页面顶部之外。




// repel down animation var previousScroll = 0; var scroll = function () { var currentScroll = $(this).scrollTop(); var z = $(window).scrollTop(); if (currentScroll > previousScroll && $('#repel').css('top') > '-400px') { //down scroll code $("#repel").removeClass("climb"); $("#repel").addClass("repel").delay(400).css('top', '+=2%'); } if (currentScroll > previousScroll && $('#repel').css('top') < '-400px') { //down scroll code $("#repel").removeClass("climb"); $("#repel").addClass("repel").delay(400).css('top', '+=0%'); } if (z  10) { $("#containment-wrapper").css({ height: "360%" }); } else { // no- upscroll animation/code } previousScroll = currentScroll; // fade in word bubble if (z > 1250) { $('.go').fadeIn('slow'); } else { $('.go').fadeOut('slow'); } }; $(document).ready(scroll); $(window).scroll(scroll); //remove animation when finished $("#repel").on('animationend webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend MSAnimationEnd', function () { $('#repel').removeClass('repel'); }); //bounce back to top of page when clicked $('.go').click(function () { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow'); $("#repel").removeClass("repel"); $("#repel").css('top', '-100%').addClass("climb").delay(2100).queue(function (next) { $(this).removeClass("climb"); next(); }); }); // drag Up, but not down $('#repel').draggable({ axis: "y", containment: "#containment-wrapper", scroll: true, scrollSensitivity: 100, scrollSpeed: 25, cursor: '-moz-grabbing', addClasses: false }); $('#repel').mousemove(function () { var x = $('#repel').css('bottom'); var z = $(window).scrollTop(); $("#containment-wrapper").css({ bottom: x }); if (z < 10) { $("#containment-wrapper").css({ bottom: "-150%", height: "349%" }); } else { $("#containment-wrapper").css({ bottom: x }); } }); 


我试过拖动function ,但它们看起来有点抽搐。

我发现上述方法存在一些问题,主要与使用position:fixed; 并使用顶部和底部进行重新定位。



 // repel down animation var previousScroll = 0; var scroll = function () { var currentScroll = $(this).scrollTop(); var z = $(window).scrollTop(); var wh = $(window).height(); var onScreen = wh - 1100 + 'px'; if (currentScroll > previousScroll && $('#repel').css('top') > onScreen) { //down scroll code $("#repel").removeClass("climb"); $("#repel").addClass("repel").delay(400).css('top', '+=3px'); } if (currentScroll > previousScroll && $('#repel').css('top') <= onScreen) { //down scroll code $("#repel").addClass("repel"); } if (z < 10) { $("#containment-wrapper").css({ height: "1800px" }); } if (z > 10) { $("#containment-wrapper").css({ height: "2000px" }); } else { // no- upscroll animation/code } previousScroll = currentScroll; // fade in word bubble if (z > 1350) { $('.go').fadeIn('slow'); } else { $('.go').fadeOut('slow'); } }; $(document).ready(scroll); $(window).scroll(scroll); //remove animation when finished $("#repel").on('animationend webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend MSAnimationEnd', function () { $('#repel').removeClass('repel'); }); //bounce back to top of page when clicked $('.go').click(function () { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow'); $("#repel").removeClass("repel"); $("#repel").css('top', '-850px').addClass("climb").delay(2100).queue(function (next) { $(this).removeClass("climb"); next(); }); }); // drag Up, but not down $('#repel').draggable({ axis: "y", containment: "#containment-wrapper", scroll: true, scrollSensitivity: 25, scrollSpeed: 25, addClasses: false }); $('#repel').mousemove(function () { var z = $(window).scrollTop(); var o = $('#repel').offset().top; var h = $('#repel').height(); $("#containment-wrapper").css({ top: o + h -2000 }); if (z < 10) { $("#containment-wrapper").css({ top: -850 }); } else { $("#containment-wrapper").css({ top: o + h -2000 }); } });