
我想允许用户从单词库中选择给定的单词并将它们放入文本框中,它们将从单词库中删除( hidden )。 如果用户犯了错误并想要回复该单词,他们可以从文本框中删除它,然后将其放回单词库中。

如何才能做到这一点? (请原谅可怕的ms画图)



 Create sentence:  

Word Bank:


你会在这里看到一个部分,上面写着/*THIS IS THE PORTION I AM HAVING TROUBLE WITH*/的部分。 我试图从文本框中获取所有单词…如果单词被隐藏且文本框中不存在…将其添加回Word Bank。

 $(document).ready(function() { playerResponse(); $(".bank-word").click(function (event) { //append each newly selected word to $('#textBox').val() $('#textBox').val($('#textBox').val() + " " + $(this).attr('word')); //hide word from word bank $(this).hide(); /*THIS IS THE PORTION I AM HAVING TROUBLE WITH*/ //Get all words from text box //if word is hidden and does not exist in text box... add it back $.each($('#textBox').val().split(/\s+/), function(index, word) { console.log( index + ": " + word); $('li.bank-word').find(':hidden').each(function(index) { log("index : " + index + ", " + $(this).text()); $(this).show(); //reveal word in word bank again after we find that it is hidden AND has been deleted from text box }); }); }); }); var words = { "task1" : { 'Ni' : 'you', 'Wo' : 'I', 'Hao' : 'good', 'Shi' : 'am' } } function bank() { $(".wordBank_Words").empty(); for (obj in words) { for (key in words[obj]) { $(".wordBank_Words").append("
  • " + key + ": " + words[obj][key] + "
  • "); } } } function submitMe() { //will eventually verify input from textbox var value = document.getElementById('test').value; alert(value); }


     var array = []; var i = 0; $.each($('#textBox').val().split(/\s+/), function(index, word) { array.push(word); log("ARRAY: " + array[i] + array.length); i++; console.log( index + ": " + word); for (obj in words) { for (key in words[obj]) { //if word doesn't exist in text box, and doesn't exist in word bank, add it if (!isInArray(key, array) && is in wordbank...) { key.show(); //pseudo code } } } }); function isInArray(value, array) { return array.indexOf(value) > -1; }