
我有以下jQuery Ajax调用:

$.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "addtobasket.php", data: "sid=&itemid=" + itemid + "&boxsize=" + boxsize + "&ext=" + extraval, success: function(msg){ $.post("preorderbasket.php", { sid: "", type: "pre" }, function(data){ $('.preorder').empty(); $('.preorder').append(data); }); } }); 

我想在ajax调用进行时显示图像。 我怎样才能做到这一点?


试试这个 :



沿着这些方向的东西( showLoadingImagehideLoadingImage由你决定):

 // show the loading image before calling ajax. showLoadingImage(); $.ajax({ // url, type, etc. go here success: function() { // handle success. this only fires if the call was successful. }, error: function() { // handle error. this only fires if the call was unsuccessful. }, complete: function() { // no matter the result, complete will fire, so it's a good place // to do the non-conditional stuff, like hiding a loading image. hideLoadingImage(); } }); 

您可以在调用$ .ajax()之前显示图像,然后在post handler函数中隐藏/删除图像(就在.empty()/。append(data)调用之前)。