

我有一个jsFiddle演示 ,它包含一个U形。 你可以看到,即使我有指针在U内并且没有触及任何一条线,它仍然会将其检测为一个object:over event。



 var canvas = new fabric.Canvas("c1", { isDrawingMode: false }); canvas.loadFromJSON(objectsJson, function () { canvas.renderAll(); }); canvas.on("object:over", function () { console.log("object over"); }); canvas.on("object:out", function () { console.log("object out"); }); // code to capture mouse over object while isDrawingMode = false canvas.findTarget = (function (originalFn) { return function () { var target = originalFn.apply(this, arguments); if (target) { if (this._hoveredTarget !== target) { canvas.fire('object:over', { target: target }); if (this._hoveredTarget) { canvas.fire('object:out', { target: this._hoveredTarget }); } this._hoveredTarget = target; } } else if (this._hoveredTarget) { canvas.fire('object:out', { target: this._hoveredTarget }); this._hoveredTarget = null; } return target; }; })(canvas.findTarget); 


fabric.js,上创建任何形状fabric.js,此function通过创建各种点来创建虚拟框,例如: 左上角,右上角,左下角,右下角,中间左角,中间右角,中间底部和中间顶部。

 setCoords: function() { var strokeWidth = this.strokeWidth > 1 ? this.strokeWidth : 0, padding = this.padding, theta = degreesToRadians(this.angle); this.currentWidth = (this.width + strokeWidth) * this.scaleX + padding * 2; this.currentHeight = (this.height + strokeWidth) * this.scaleY + padding * 2; // If width is negative, make postive. Fixes path selection issue if (this.currentWidth < 0) { this.currentWidth = Math.abs(this.currentWidth); } var _hypotenuse = Math.sqrt( Math.pow(this.currentWidth / 2, 2) + Math.pow(this.currentHeight / 2, 2)); var _angle = Math.atan(isFinite(this.currentHeight / this.currentWidth) ? this.currentHeight / this.currentWidth : 0); // offset added for rotate and scale actions var offsetX = Math.cos(_angle + theta) * _hypotenuse, offsetY = Math.sin(_angle + theta) * _hypotenuse, sinTh = Math.sin(theta), cosTh = Math.cos(theta); var coords = this.getCenterPoint(); var tl = { x: coords.x - offsetX, y: coords.y - offsetY }; var tr = { x: tl.x + (this.currentWidth * cosTh), y: tl.y + (this.currentWidth * sinTh) }; var br = { x: tr.x - (this.currentHeight * sinTh), y: tr.y + (this.currentHeight * cosTh) }; var bl = { x: tl.x - (this.currentHeight * sinTh), y: tl.y + (this.currentHeight * cosTh) }; var ml = { x: tl.x - (this.currentHeight/2 * sinTh), y: tl.y + (this.currentHeight/2 * cosTh) }; var mt = { x: tl.x + (this.currentWidth/2 * cosTh), y: tl.y + (this.currentWidth/2 * sinTh) }; var mr = { x: tr.x - (this.currentHeight/2 * sinTh), y: tr.y + (this.currentHeight/2 * cosTh) }; var mb = { x: bl.x + (this.currentWidth/2 * cosTh), y: bl.y + (this.currentWidth/2 * sinTh) }; var mtr = { x: mt.x, y: mt.y }; this.oCoords = { // corners tl: tl, tr: tr, br: br, bl: bl, // middle ml: ml, mt: mt, mr: mr, mb: mb, // rotating point mtr: mtr }; // set coordinates of the draggable boxes in the corners used to scale/rotate the image this._setCornerCoords && this._setCornerCoords(); return this; } 


据我所知fabric.js ,它不提供你想要的function。

更新: -

正如RaraituL所说,通过perPixelTargetFind()可以进行像素检测,你可以在这里得到例子。 http://fabricjs.com/per-pixel-drag-drop/